Bayonne Mayor Davis Reports Total of 8 COVID-19 Cases


Transcipt of robo-call to Bayonne residents from Mayor Davis:

Hello, this is Mayor Davis.  As we continue to deal with this health emergency, I wanted to take a few minutes to provide you an update.  This morning, I was notified of our 8th resident that has tested positive for the Coronavirus.  He is a 39-year-old male, with mild symptoms recovering at home.  Of our 8 confirmed positive cases, five are at home recovering, while 3 remain hospitalized.

As we all remain under this STAY AT HOME order, we need to continuously focus on ways to follow the social distancing directives.  I am working with many people, both within and outside of government to ensure that we are looking at ways to increase distancing and aid our residents that are enduring this hardship.

I would like to take a moment to thank all the people of our city that continue to work during this emergency.  So many workers of the many essential services that are needed, continue to show up for our community.  Whether it’s the deli worker, the DPW worker, the EMT, the police officer, the fireman, the doctor, the nurse, and on and on.  Each one of you is helping to keep our city going.  And finally, I want to thank each of you for your incredible cooperation during this crisis.  I am so impressed with how well our community is coming together, helping each other, and following the directives that have been put in place.  Continue to follow my social media, the City of Bayonne website and social media and Bayonne OEM on their feeds.  We are Bayonne Strong! Thank you and be safe.

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