Beach Bill to Create Statewide Event Planning Contact Becomes Law

Beach Bill to Create Statewide Event Planning Contact Becomes Law


Trenton – Legislation sponsored by Senator James Beach, which would create a designated event planning contact in the Department of State, was signed into law today.


“New Jersey is already home to major international events which draw people from around the state and the country but with often confusing and time consuming bureaucracy, we forfeit a lot of our state’s geographical potential,” said Senator Beach (D-Burlington/Camden). “Providing this focused resource will not only alleviate the confusion with event planning, but also expedite the overall process, so that more events can be organized and we can increase tourism in the state.”


The law will create the Major Event Coordinator position, in order to assist in obtaining permits and licenses, as well as complying with state rules and regulations. The coordinator’s contact information would be prominently displayed on the department’s website.


The coordinator would be available for people planning large scale events that result in significant economic, social or cultural gains, and increase tourism.


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