Beach, Cruz-Pérez Bill to Permit Issuance of Gold Star Family Member Identification Cards Passes Senate

Beach, Cruz-Pérez Bill to Permit Issuance of Gold Star Family Member Identification Cards Passes Senate


TRENTON – A bill sponsored by Senator James Beach and Senator Nilsa Cruz-Pérez, which would allow county clerks or registers of deeds and mortgages to issue identification cards to Gold Star Family Members, passed the Senate today.


“We are currently the only state to allow local governments to issue Gold Star Parent identification cards, but we can do more for their families,” said Senator Beach (D- Burlington/Camden). “This will allow family members to visit state beaches, parks, and the State museum for free. It is important that we support the families, in addition to the parents, of those who have sacrificed their lives to protect our country.”


The bill, S-2784, would expand eligibility for Gold Star Family Member identification cards to include parents, guardians, spouses, partners, children, and other relatives. Gold Star Families are the relatives of members of the Armed Forces or National Guard who died while on active duty.


“Supporting Gold Star Families is incredibly important,” said Senator Cruz-Pérez (D- Camden/Gloucester). “The identification cards will give family members access to military bases in order to visit federal cemeteries as well as attend community events, and is a small way we as a society can honor their loss.”


The bill passed the Senate with a vote of 38-0.

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