Beach, Cruz-Perez, Gill, & Kean Resolution to Mark the 70th Anniversary of Israel’s Founding Advances

Beach, Cruz-Perez, Gill, & Kean Resolution to Mark the 70th Anniversary of Israel’s Founding Advances


TRENTON – A Senate Joint Resolution recognizing the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the State of Israel sponsored by Senator James Beach, Senator Nilsa Cruz-Perez, Senator Nia Gill and Republican Minority Leader Tom Kean Jr. was approved by the full Senate yesterday.


“New Jersey has a long-standing relationship with Israel and a common bond rooted in cultural ties, shared democratic values and mutual respect,” said Senator Beach (D-Camden/Burlington). “Recognizing the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the State of Israel honors that friendship and reaffirms our commitment to supporting and maintaining that relationship for years to come.”


“Our commitment to the State of Israel is strong and will continue to be strong through our ties with the Jewish community in New Jersey,” said Senator Cruz-Perez (D- Camden/Gloucester).  “Both New Jersey and Israel benefit immensely from this resilient relationship where sharing ideas and principles only makes us stronger.”


“The establishment of Israel 70 years ago was a remarkable achievement considering what had happened to its people during World War II,” said Senator Gill (D-Essex/Passaic).  “Our relationship with Israel and its people will stand the test of time as we continue to work together for a greater cause.”


April 20, 2018, marks the 70th anniversary of the establishment of the State of Israel. With this resolution the Legislature recognizes the historic significance of the 70th anniversary and commends the people of Israel for their remarkable achievements in building a new state and a pluralistic democratic society in the Middle East and reaffirms the bonds of friendship and cooperation which have existed between New Jersey and Israel for seven decades.


The State of Israel was created out of the ashes of Holocaust and World War II, where six million Jews were annihilated. In its 70 years since establishment, Israel has become one of the most successful democracies in the Middle East, striving for peace and security for its nations, its neighbors and throughout the world.


New Jersey and Israel share a trading partnership of more than $1.6 billion. The State of New Jersey has enacted Iran sanctions and legislation opposing Israel-boycotts.


The State of New Jersey recommits to working with Israel in its quest for peace with its neighbors and the countries in the region.


The resolution, SJR 56, was approved by a vote of 38-0.

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