Beach, Mukherji Bill to Allow Disabled Railroad Workers to Receive Homestead Property Tax Reimbursement Advances
December 9, 2024, 3:45 pm | in
Beach, Mukherji Bill to Allow Disabled Railroad Workers to Receive Homestead Property Tax Reimbursement Advances
TRENTON – The Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee advanced legislation sponsored by Senator James Beach, which would make disabled persons who receive disability payments pursuant to the federal Railroad Retirement Act eligible to receive a homestead property tax reimbursement.
“With rising housing costs across the State, it is extremely important that we do everything we can to help seniors stay in their homes,” said Senator Beach (D-Camden/Burlington). “By clarifying existing statute, we can ensure that approximately three hundred New Jersey seniors who collect railroad disability benefits also receive the Senior Freeze tax reimbursement that they are entitled to.”
Under current law, disabled individuals who receive monetary payments through Social Security Disability Insurance are eligible to receive a homestead property tax reimbursement under the Senior Freeze Program. Since federal awards are often more generous, beneficiaries that are eligible for both disability benefits typically only receive combined payments through the Railroad Retirement Board. As a result, current law exclude seniors that would otherwise qualify for State relief.
“Disabled seniors who are Railroad Retirement Act beneficiaries were never intended to be excluded from Senior Freeze,” said Senator Raj Mukherji (D-Hudson). “Given the challenge of grappling with rising property taxes and housing costs, it’s only fair that we extend property tax relief to these seniors and help them stay in their homes.”
Under the bill, S-1285, the program’s eligibility requirements would be clarified to allow individuals receiving disability payments from the federal Railroad Retirement Act to also be eligible for the Senior Freeze program.