Becchi for Congress to Co-Host Community Blood Drive with Parsippany International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW)
September 1, 2020, 9:17 pm | in
Becchi for Congress to Co-Host Community Blood Drive with Parsippany International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW)
Rosemary Becchi Teams Up With IBEW Local 102 For A Good Cause
For Immediate Release
September 1, 2020
PARSIPPANY, NJ: Rosemary Becchi’s campaign for Congress (NJ-11) is excited to partner with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 102 and Vitalant, a local nonprofit that provides blood collection and donation services, for a community blood drive.
“COVID-19 has had a devastating effect on the blood supply in our region,” said Becchi. “The IBEW Local 102 has served our community for over 120 years and I am thankful for the opportunity to partner with them during this difficult time to help our community in a tangible way."
The closure of schools and businesses has threatened up to 75% of our region's incoming blood supply. Experts estimate donations are down 40% compared to typical years.
IBEW represents nearly 750,000 North American workers in the electrical industry.
The event will take place on:
Thursday, September 3rd from 9am to 3pm
In the Parking lot shared by Becchi’s Parsippany campaign office and IBEW Local 102