Beck Hosts 11th Annual Dinner Honoring Rape Crisis Advocates

Beck Hosts 11th Annual Dinner Honoring Rape Crisis Advocates

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Senator Jennifer Beck, a former rape crisis advocate and longtime advocate for survivors of sexual assault hosted her 11th Annual Confidential Sexual Violence Advocate Appreciation Dinner on August 23, 2017, to honor the advocates who serve at 180 Turning Lives Around.

Sen. Jennifer Beck on Aug. 23 hosted her 11th Annual Dinner honoring rape crisis advocates at 180 Turning Lives Around, a Hazlet, N.J. nonprofit that has served more than 600,000 survivors and their families over the last 37 years. (

“These advocates are some of the most selfless, compassionate and courageous people you will ever meet. After all these years, I am still in awe of their unwavering commitment to ending domestic violence and sexual assault in our community,” Senator Beck said. “Counseling survivors is incredibly heartbreaking work. It’s a job very few people are able to do. I am so grateful that those struggling with trauma in Monmouth County have somewhere to turn. 180 Turning Lives Around is truly a beacon of hope in our community. I will continue to do everything I can to show my support.”

Beck hosts this dinner each year as a way of honoring the dedication and commitment of advocates who assist people through tremendously traumatic experiences with grace, courage, and compassion.

Prior to serving as a legislator, Senator Beck worked as a rape crisis advocate at 180 Turning Lives Around. Based out of Hazlet, the local nonprofit has been serving individuals and families affected by sexual assault and domestic violence since 1976. Senator Beck has hosted the appreciation dinner since 2008. In addition to hosting the dinner, Senator Beck collects donations from local businesses to give the rape crisis advocates as a token of her appreciation.

Senator Beck helped create the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners Program in Monmouth County as the Chief of Staff for former Assemblyman Joe Azzolina, and authorized a law to broaden protections for stalking victims. Beck was the prime sponsor of the Sexual Assault Survivors Protection Act, which took effect last year. The law allows sexual assault survivors to seek protective orders against their offenders.

“The advocates at 180 Turning Lives Around and crisis centers around New Jersey played an instrumental role in our efforts to get the Sexual Assault Survivors Protection Act signed into law,” Senator Beck said. “I am tremendously grateful for their willingness to share their knowledge and experience. There is always more we can do to strengthen and expand the protections and services we have in place. I look forward to continuing our work together in the coming year.”

Advocates at 180 Turning Lives Around provide immediate and long-term support in assisting clients with the trauma they have experienced, while supporting them in obtaining services and making decisions that will turn their lives around. All counselors are volunteers and on-call 24 hours a day during times they elect to serve. More information on the 180 Turning Lives Around and the services they provide can be found here.

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