Beck Introduces Bill Opposing Dangerous Oil Drilling Off Jersey Shore 

Beck Introduces Bill Opposing Dangerous Oil Drilling Off Jersey Shore

Beck Stands with Thousands of Residents, Advocates, and Local Officials in Opposing Oil and Natural Gas Drilling Off NJ’s Coast

Senator Jennifer Beck (R-Monmouth) has  introduced legislation urging the federal government not to pursue a dangerous proposal to drill for oil and natural gas off the Jersey shoreline.

The legislation was introduced in response to a recent action by the United States Department of the Interior to conduct oil and natural gas drilling in the Atlantic Ocean. The executive order also seeks to loosen regulatory requirements on seismic air gun testing, which could have dramatically negative impacts on commercial fishing; a large industry for New Jersey.

“New Jersey’s tourism industry supports more than 300,000 jobs and bolsters almost 10 percent of our workforce. A majority of this hinges on the health of our coastline,” Beck said. “Thousands of residents, fishing families, and local officials have made their voices known in opposition to this proposal and I stand with them.”

Additionally, the Department of the Interior is also consideringlessening safety regulations passed in the aftermath of the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill of 2010 which devastated the Gulf Coast.

Beck has a history of protecting New Jersey’s oceans and previously led opposition to the Port Ambrose LNG facility project on multiple occasions over the years.

“An oil spill in the Atlantic Ocean similar to the 2010 BP spill would cause untold health and safety damage to New Jersey’s coastal communities in addition to a negative impact on our local businesses still getting back on their feet after Superstorm Sandy. We cannot take that risk,” Beck concluded.

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