Gopal Campaign: Beck Remembers It’s an Election Year, Scrambles to Support Women’s Health
Beck Remembers It’s an Election Year, Scrambles to Support Women’s Health
In a moment of panic after remembering she’ll have to defend her record to voters, Republican Senator Jen Beck attempted to erase her record of defunding Planned Parenthood with a single vote
June 21th, 2017
Long Branch - You know you’re in an election year when Republican Senator Jen Beck suddenly stands for everything she once opposed. On Monday, Beck was in true form when she reversed seven years of of supporting the defunding of Planned Parenthood during a Senate vote on Monday.
“In classic fashion, Jen “Both Sides” Beck has reversed her position, this time on critical funding for women’s health services,” said Axel Owen, campaign manager for Gopal for Senate. “For years, Beck has voted against restoring the critical funding for clinics like Planned Parenthood that Governor Christie slashed, but here she is reversing that position less than five months out from a hotly contested election. Turns out Vin Gopal’s campaign has so much momentum, even Beck is starting to back his policy positions.”
Beck voted against restoring millions of dollars to women’s health and family planning centers on four different occasions since 2010, rejecting a total of nearly $30 million in funding. This funding would have provided annual exams, cancer screenings, and reproductive health care and counseling to thousands of women in New Jersey.
“Funding for clinics like Planned Parenthood is critically important to our state and our families and the services these clinics are able to offer should never be dependent on political dealings or games,” said Owen. “Vin and our team are thrilled legislation restoring the funding has passed the Senate, but Beck shouldn’t pat herself on the back. One vote in an election year cannot make up for years of turning her back on New Jersey’s women.”
Check the facts:
2010: Senator Jen Beck voted against a veto override reinstating $7.4 million for family planning services [S2139]
2013: Senator Beck voted against $7.45 million to family planning services [S2825]. According to reports, Senator Beck argued the funding provided in S2825 was “unnecessary” because “the $7.5 million removed from clinics has not limited access to healthcare for women.” [, 6/20/13]
2014: Senator Beck voted against $7.45 million for family planning services [S784].
2015: Senator Beck voted against $7.45 million for family planning services [S3103]
2017: Roll Call vote S3302: