Beck Stands Firm in Opposition to Horizon Bill

Beck Stands Firm in Opposition to Horizon Bill

Senator Jennifer Beck (R-Monmouth) voted against the Horizon bill and will continue to oppose it in its current form, saying she will continue to stand up for all ratepayers, including the 30,000 small businesses in New Jersey who provide this insurance to nearly a quarter-million employees.

Sen. Jennifer Beck voted against the Horizon bill and will continue to oppose it in its current form, saying she will continue to stand up for all ratepayers. (

Beck voted against S-4 yesterday on the Senate floor and was the only member of the Senate Budget and Appropriations Committee to vote “no” when it was heard Monday in the committee.

“Any Horizon policy holder that has overpaid in premiums should get that money back. It is unconscionable for the State to swoop in and take their hard-earned dollars and put it into a slush fund for pet projects.

“30,000 small businesses in New Jersey provide Horizon policies for their employees. These are ‘mom and pop’ coffee shops, flower stores, and other unique storefronts that only employ a hand full of employees. They would really suffer if this bill landed on the Governor’s desk.

“I think it is important for the people of New Jersey to know that we can pass a state budget and avoid a government shutdown without ramming this harmful bill through at the last minute. It’s time to stop playing politics. The Governor and the Legislative leadership should do what is right for our taxpayers and put this backroom deal aside.”


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