Beck Urges Opposition to Dangerous Move to Drill Oil Off the Jersey Shore 

Beck Urges Opposition to Dangerous Move to Drill Oil Off the Jersey Shore

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Beck stresses concerns from thousands in coastal communities regarding offshore drilling

Following reports that the federal government is moving forward with a new program to explore oil and gas drilling along the Atlantic coast, Senator Jennifer Beck (R-Monmouth) urged New Jersey residents to join her and Clean Ocean Action in opposing any such efforts that could put the Jersey Shore at risk.

Sen. Jennifer Beck is urging residents to stand together and oppose oil and gas drilling off the of the Jersey Shore. (Wikimedia Commons)

“New Jersey’s $44 billion tourism industry is heavily reliant on revenue from the Jersey Shore,” Senator Beck said. “Local business communities up and down the coast have spent years trying to rebuild in the wake of Superstorm Sandy. An oil spill anywhere in the Mid-Atlantic region would undue all of the progress we have made and more.

“Surely, there are other ways to engage in energy exploration that do not pose such a grave threat to the environment and the economy, not to mention the health and safety of the hundreds of thousands who would be put in harm’s way should a catastrophe occur.

“It is clear that the Federal Administration is trying to fast track this dangerous plan despite opposition from thousands of small businesses and fishing families. We must stand together against offshore drilling and ensure that the voices of opposition in our coastal communities do not go unheard. Just as I opposed the Port Ambrose LNG facility, I will not stay silent on the issue of protecting our shore communities. I strongly urge our residents to join us in voicing their opposition to this dangerous move. The risks are far too great to ignore.”

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