Belleville Mayor to Announce Digital Media Campaign, including Mega Billboard on Route 21, Demanding Water Filters for Residents

Belleville Mayor to Announce Digital Media Campaign, including Mega Billboard on Route 21, Demanding Water Filters for Residents

BELLEVILLE, NJ – September 24, 2019 – Frustrated by the fact the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and other agencies appear to be ignoring Belleville’s water concerns, Mayor Michael Melham says he is desperate for federal and state officials to pay attention to the township.

Melham is taking the unorthodox measure to secure at least one headline in this ongoing story: Posting a large billboard on Route 21, demanding the DEP provide water filters and cartridges to Belleville residents, just as it plans to spend $1 million on a campaign to teach Newark residents how to use their filters.

Melham will be unveiling the billboard, while announcing the launch of a new website and a social media marketing campaign. Joined by other officials, Melham will also be providing an overall update on Belleville’s water issue. The billboard will direct residents to sign an online petition at

The online signatures will be sent to DEP Commissioner Catherine R. McCabe, requesting that her department provide lead filters to Belleville residents.

“While Commissioner McCabe told me that Belleville is `on their own,’ the state is about to spend $1 million to educate Newark residents through community outreach on how to use their water filters,” Melham said. “Meanwhile Belleville has nearly 40,000 residents who drink Pequannock-based Newark water through nearly 6,000 residential lead service lines. They invite me on conference calls, yet, try to silence me.  We refuse to be quiet.”

What:             Belleville Mayor Michael Melham to unveil a billboard that demands the state provide water filters and replacement cartridges to nearly 40,000 Belleville residents who use the same tap water that is provided to Newark residents.


When:            Thursday, September 26, 2019     11 a.m. (SHARP)


Where:           The parking lot at State Fair, 241 Main St., Belleville, NJ.

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