Benedetti Calls PennEast “Dangerous and Poorly Thought Out”

Benedetti Calls PennEast “Dangerous and Poorly Thought Out”

Assembly Candidate Slams Proposed Pipeline as Environmentally Irresponsible, Calls On Opponents to Commit to Opposition


(EWING, NJ) Carl Benedetti Jr., long-time Ewing School Board Member and candidate for the vacant 15th District General Assembly seat decried the proposed PennEast Pipeline project early Monday morning. “I think that the PennEast project is dangerous and poorly thought out. Gas pipelines are some of the most disaster prone energy infrastructure – to propose building another in New Jersey, especially in light of the proven damage they cause to the environment, the value of individual properties, and the health of surrounding communities, is environmentally irresponsible.”

Benedetti explained his opposition in light of both the route the proposed pipeline is to take, and the disastrous source from which the natural gas it transports would be extracted. “PennEast has proposed a route that will cut across the Delaware River and compromise the Lambertville Dam and the associated drinking water supply. It would run through forests, wetlands, and farmland, where it will leave a permanent scar of destruction in its path. Some of these ecosystems, wetlands in particular, are never the same once they are disturbed – laying a pipeline would inhibit their ability to perform their job. More egregiously, the pipeline would run over at least four public school properties, all while transporting natural shale gas extracted through hydraulic fracturing, or ‘fracking.’ I cannot reasonably support a project that relies on poisoning the drinking water and destabilizing the very ground upon which communities stand.”

The candidate further discussed PennEast’s ability to meet basic compliance standards required by the State Department of Environmental Protection. “On two occasions, the PennEast company has submitted woefully inadequate applications to construct their pipeline to the DEP. The company, on both occasions, failed to provide basic information required by the agency. Naturally, and correctly, their applications were denied. If we can’t trust this company to due conduct the minimum due diligence required to complete their application, how can we trust them to construct a pipeline up to the minimum standards required to protect our health and environment?”

Benedetti also talked about the fact that, with New Jersey’s current population and utilization rates, the pipeline would provide too much energy to the State, and that its net effect would be a financial wash. “It’s estimated that, if PennEast were to be constructed, we would have a 53% energy surplus. In other words, it’s completely unnecessary – our utility companies have surpluses even on peak days! While this may, in the short-term, serve to reduce energy costs, as more customers switch to energy provided by PennEast, traditional providers would be forced to increase their rates in order to compete. Ultimately, we don’t win in terms of the environment, public health, or our finances. For the sake of our communities, this project should be indefinitely shelved.”

“With much of the PennEast pipeline running through the 15th District, we need a legislator that will continue to stand up to PennEast, and oppose the construction of this dangerous infrastructure in our backyards. I call on my opponents to demonstrate that they understand the needs of the families and communities in our district by joining me in opposition to this pipeline. It’s not a complicated choice. Both parties are together in saying it’s not a viable or necessary project. It’s time for those with special interests to do the same.”

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