Benson Statement on Transportation Budget Hearing

Benson Statement on Transportation Budget Hearing

(TRENTON) – Assemblyman Daniel Benson (D-Mercer/Middlesex), who is chair of the Assembly Transportation Committee, issued the following statement regarding the budget testimony provided by the Department of Transportation on Monday:

“I am encouraged by the testimony today of our transportation agencies NJ DOT, NJT and MVC. I appreciate their focus, attention to detail and, especially, their candor to set the stage and begin to right the ship that has been sadly neglected over the last eight years. We have shared concerns – commuter safety and fare prices and the status of the Gateway tunnel project, for instance -- that I and the transportation committee will continue to monitor and may be interested in bringing up for further discussion in the future.

“Millions of New Jersey commuters rely on the efficient operations of the Department of Transportation. Our focus must be on providing our residents with the safe, efficient and quality transportation they deserve. I look forward to working with these agencies and providing the legislative support needed to achieve these goals.”

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