Benson: Time for White House to Get Serious about Gateway Tunnel Project
Benson: Time for White House to Get Serious about Gateway Tunnel Project
Decries How Trump Infrastructure Plan Fails to Support Vital Commuter Rail Tunnel Project
(TRENTON) – Assembly Transportation Chairman Daniel R. Benson (D-Mercer/Middlesex) released the following statement Monday on President Trump’s infrastructure plan and its lack of meaningful support for a new Hudson River commuter rail tunnel:
“President Trump’s refusal to support New Jersey’s workers and our economy is endlessly frustrating. This so-called infrastructure plan does next to nothing to advance the Gateway tunnel project, which is vital not just to New Jersey’s economic future, but our nation’s.
“This plan does not advance the Gateway plan is any meaningful way. Capping federal investment at 20 percent, for instance, makes no sense when it comes to a project of this size and importance. It’s clear that the White House hasn’t given this vital project serious thought - and that’s very, very concerning.
“The Assembly transportation panel has heard two days of testimony on the state’s biggest transportation needs, and everyone agrees a new commuter rail tunnel to New York City is of the utmost importance. It’s of economic importance, and national security importance. It’s time for the White House to get serious.
“I look forward to working with Gov. Murphy and our Congressional delegation to continue to make our case. This tunnel must be supported, and it must get built.”