Bergen County Reopens Dog Parks

Effective immediately the County of Bergen will begin to permit the use of dog parks in county parks.
🔹 Dog parks may be occupied by only one person or family residing in the same household with their dog(s) at a time.
🔹 Use of the dog park shall be limited to twenty (20) consecutive minutes when there is a wait for others to use the dog park. Person(s) waiting to enter the dog park shall maintain social distancing for themselves and their pets at all times.
🔹 If your dog has tested positive for the virus that causes COVID-19, talk to your veterinarian about when it is appropriate for your pet to go back to normal activities.
🔹 As much as possible, avoid touching common items in the dog park like gates, railings/fences, and water bowls, etc. Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer after touching items from the park.
🔹 Pet items such as toys are not permitted inside the dog run.
You are ALWAYS required to clean up after your dog and dispose all waste in the proper receptacle.