Bergenfield Volunteer Appreciation Dinner Recognizes Hundreds of Committee and Board Members


Bergenfield Volunteer Appreciation Dinner Recognizes Hundreds of Committee and Board Members


BERGENFIELD, NJ — Sunday evening, the Borough of Bergenfield held its annual volunteer appreciation dinner for Borough Hall volunteers at The Fiesta in Wood-Ridge. Hundreds of volunteers were in attendance from the volunteer Fire Department, Recreation committee, Auxiliary Police, Ambulance corps, and all committees and boards: Barrier Free Advisory Committee, Board of Health, Environmental Committee, Green Team, Library Board of Trustees, Local Emergency Planning Council, Municipal Alliance Committee, Museum Society, Planning Board, Recreation Committee, Rent Leveling Board, Senior Citizens Committee, Shade Tree Committee, Site Plan Committee, Stigma Free Committee, Veterans Advisory Committee and Zoning Board.


“Without the hundreds of Bergenfield residents who volunteers on our dozens of boards and committees, our town would lack vital services, and members of the Council would not have their great resources which inform our budgetary and quality of life decisions. This annual dinner is something I look forward to every year, when so many hardworking volunteers are together for one night where we can all thank them for their contributions,” said Councilman and Mayor-elect Arvin Amatorio. “Their work on these boards and committees, and certainly the volunteer Fire Department and Auxiliary Police, improve the quality of life for all residents in town.”


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