Bernie Flynn To Receive Citizens Campaign First Annual Koeppe Award for Exemplary Public Service

Bernie Flynn To Receive Citizens Campaign First Annual Koeppe Award for Exemplary Public Service

Flynn Will Be Recognized at The Citizens Campaign Annual Gala Dinner

WHAT:   Bernie Flynn, President & CEO of the New Jersey Manufacturers Insurance Company will be presented with the first ever Koeppe Award for Exemplary Public Service by Anne Koeppe at The Citizens Campaign’s annual gala dinner. The Koeppe Award will be presented annually to individuals who exemplify Al Koeppe’s most admirable qualities: unselfish public service and respect for others. The practice of these values and the standards that they set are critical to the health of our democracy, especially in times like these.   Sharon  Taylor, Senior Vice President, Human Resources of Prudential Insurance, and Chair of The Prudential Foundation will present the Koeppe Award.


A former President of PSE&G, Koeppe led the Newark Alliance in its many successful efforts to improve our state’s signature city and contributed his civic leadership to the City of Newark and the state of New Jersey in many different capacities.


WHEN April 17, 2017 at 6:30pm - 9pm



The Palace at Somerset Park


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