Better Choices Activists Convene in Trenton to Lobby Legislature in Support of “Bold and Fair” Revenue Raisers

Better Choices Activists Convene in Trenton to Lobby Legislature in Support of “Bold and Fair” Revenue Raisers
Advocates’ champion plan that would recoup nearly $3 billion in much needed revenue; create fairer tax structure
TRENTON - Today advocates across 60 organizations gathered in Trenton to lobby their legislators in support of of bold and necessary revenue raisers that would ensure the state’s ability to invest and grow in addition to meeting key obligations. Advocates from the Better Choices for New Jersey Coalition urged their legislators to consider the inclusion of revenue proposals such as the reinstatement of the millionaire’s tax.
“Today New Jerseyans from across the state lined the halls of the statehouse to deliver the unmistakable message to their state legislators: ‘New Jersey’s fiscal state is a disaster. It’s time for fair and sustainable revenue raisers to meet its priorities,’ said Analilia Mejia, executive director of New Jersey Working Families. “We are here to let our legislators know that New Jersey residents will not quietly standby and allow state legislators look at draconian cuts to programs that working families rely on.”
Earlier this year, the Better Choices for New Jersey Coalition proposed a list of Revenue Raisers that could move the state towards economic security. In a letter to the Senate and Assembly Majority Offices, the coalition urged legislators to include budget measures that can recoup nearly $3 billion in revenue, a necessary step in correcting the state's chronic structural deficit.
Advocates pointed to the need to rebuild New Jersey’s economy and invest in its people after years of Christie budget cuts that led to 11 credit downgrades, a dilapidated transit infrastructure, and the highest foreclosures rates in the country.
“New Jersey is unable to pay its bills after eight years of cuts for the state’s highest earning households and corporations,” said Sheila Reynertson, senior policy analyst at New Jersey Policy Perspective. “Legislators must take bold action to ensure New Jersey avoids another shut down or draconian cuts to critical public services that working families rely on. Reinstating the millionaires tax and restoring the sales tax to 7% will promote tax fairness and ensure the state has enough revenue to meet its obligations and make new investments in public education and transit infrastructure.”
Better Choices is a statewide coalition of over 60 community, labor, environmental and civic organizations that fight to protect public investments that create broadly shared prosperity. It is convened by the New Jersey Working Families Alliance.