Bhimani And Draeger: Anthony Bucco pockets more than $2 million in taxpayer funds


Anthony Bucco loves to point fingers and shift blame for New Jersey’s affordability crisis across the aisle, but if 25th District residents want to know what’s really fueling their highest-in-the-nation property taxes, they should check his wallet.

Over the course of his own decade long political career, Anthony Bucco has used his connections to secure seven public contracts -- three with towns he currently represents -- and funnel more than $2 million into his private law firm, in addition to the salary and benefits he receives as an Assemblyman.

Since taking office in 2010 Anthony has collected checks from 7 different municipal authorities, including Netcong, Roxbury, Randolph and Parsippany, and fire districts in Parsippany, Montville and Hanover. That's not double-dipping or even triple-dipping, it's octuple-dipping on the taxpayers' dime.

Over the same period of time, his law firm pocketed $2,376,139 of taxpayer money from Netcong and Roxbury alone. And while his partisan cronies in the other towns have stonewalled public record requests, one can only imagine how much more money he’s made off the backs of hard-working taxpayers there. We are calling on Anthony Bucco to release the public records that he is keeping secret and reveal how much money he has made off the back of Morris County taxpayers.

“It takes a special kind of self-serving politician to lie to voters' faces about affordability while cashing in for himself behind their backs -- but that's just another day on the job for Anthony Bucco," said Bhimani and Draeger Campaign Manager, Daniel Fleiss.

"Now we know why Anthony hasn’t done a single thing to bring down taxes for middle-class families over his ten years in Trenton: he’s one of the reasons they’re so high."


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