Bhimani and Draeger Endorse Herbig, Kaminski and Hernandez for Parsippany Council

Bhimani and Draeger Endorse Herbig, Kaminski and Hernandez for Parsippany Council
In this age of hyper-partisan politics, it’s refreshing to see a mayor who puts people ahead of political gamesmanship.
In our district, we’ve seen a rash of cronyism from elected officials more concerned with protecting their patron, Anthony Bucco, than with being honest and transparent with voters.
But that type of cronyism has been ushered out of Parsippany thanks to Mayor Michael Soriano, and we are more than pleased to endorse Cori Herbig, Rob Kaminski and Judy Hernandez to be his partners on the Parsippany Town Council.
Hebig, Kaminski and Hernandez embody the values of integrity and accountability that Soriano brought to Town Hall in 2017. They bring a wealth of experience uniquely suited to cut through politics and address the biggest challenges facing the Township today.
Over the last few years, Parsippany has made major strides. To continue that progress, elect leaders who are committed to transparency and tireless work on behalf of the people they represent. Vote for Mayor Soriano’s team, Cori Herbig, Rob Kaminski and Judy Hernandez this November 5th.