Bloomfield Town Council Advances Two Measures to Encourage Sustainability

Bloomfield Town Council Advances Two Measures to Encourage Sustainability


Bloomfield, NJ – During their bi-monthly meeting last night the Mayor and Council advanced two pro-environment measures aimed at improving sustainability and assisting native pollinators.

“Climate change is one of the most pressing issues facing our world, and while it is easy to feel helpless in the fight to save the planet, we can all do our part to help. The resolution passed last night represents steps we can take as a township to make our little corner of the world greener and more sustainable,” said Mayor Ted Gamble. “While Sustainable Jersey focuses on township-wide initiatives, the Monarch Pledge represents something we can all do to help support native pollinators by providing them with safe habitats right here in Bloomfield.”

The first measure expresses support for the town’s participation in the Sustainable Jersey Municipal Certification Program. The resolution directs Greener Bloomfield to work alongside the Mayor, Council, Town Administrator, and other organizations to pursue the certification.

Sustainable Jersey is a certification program for municipalities in New Jersey that want to go green, control costs, save money, and take steps to sustain their quality of life. They provide guidance and resources including information on funding opportunities and grants to assist local governments in implementing sustainability measures.

The council also advanced the National Wildlife Federation’s Mayors’ Monarch Pledge, as a proclamation which encourages residents to plant native milkweed and native nectar and pollinator plants to provide habitats for monarch butterflies and other pollinators.

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