Bob Hugin: Anti-Women, Anti-Gay, Unfit for Office

Bob Hugin: Anti-Women, Anti-Gay, Unfit for Office
Menendez stands with leading women’s, LGBTQ advocates to condemn Hugin’s lifetime record of hate, bigotry
Hugin’s Princeton Record: threatening gay classmates, fighting to deny women access all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court
Princeton, NJ – U.S. Senator Bob Menendez today joined leading LGBTQ and women’s rights advocates outside Princeton University to make the case why Republican Bob Hugin’s lifetime of hate and bigotry towards women and LGBTQ members makes him unfit to represent New Jersey. A Princeton alum and current member of the University’s Board of Trustees, Hugin’s record of intolerance began as an undergrad, when he made threatening statements against his gay classmates and actively fought to roll back anti-discriminations protections for LGBTQ students, and extended well into adulthood when he led the fight to deny women access to Princeton’s exclusive, all-male clubs.
“Time and time again, Bob Hugin stood on the wrong side of history, all the way back to his college years leading Princeton’s Tiger Inn eating club. In this role, Bob Hugin could have led by example. He could have been a voice for progress and inclusion. Instead, Bob Hugin stood in the way of LGBTQ progress and worked to preserve Princeton’s Tiger Inn as a haven for straight, wealthy white male privilege,” said Sen. Menendez. “New Jerseyans cannot trust Bob Hugin to stand up against the Trump Administration’s assaults on the rights of women, LGBTQ Americans, workers, and voters. New Jerseyans don’t need someone who will stand with Donald Trump—they need someone who will stand up to Trump.”