Borough of Prospect Park Mourns The Loss Of Former Mayor Alfred J. Marchitto Sr.


PROSPECT PARK, NJ - The Borough of Prospect Park is deeply saddened by the loss of former Mayor Alfred J. Marchitto Sr. who passed away on March 13, 2018 at the age of 98. Beloved and well respected by many, Marchitto served as Mayor from 1995 to 1998 after numerous years serving as councilman.

Mayor Marchitto's leadership efforts and public service activities earned him state-wide acclaim when he became the Borough's first inductee to the New Jersey League of Municipalities Hall of Fame in 1999.

In reflecting on Mayor Marchitto's legacy, Mayor Khairullah states "Mayor Marchitto was Prospect Park. He embodied everything that is beautiful about our community. He was caring and always volunteered his services to help make our Borough a better place for the residents even when he did not hold office. He will be greatly missed by all of us."

Mayor Khairullah has ordered flags to be lowered to half-staff in memory of Mayor Marchitto. We extend our sincere thoughts and prayers to Mayor Marchitto's loved ones during this time.


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