Brady Campaign Congratulates Endorsed Candidates on Victories in California and New Jersey Primaries
Brady Campaign Congratulates Endorsed Candidates on Victories in California and New Jersey Primaries
Gun safety champions will take on NRA-backed candidates in November
Washington, D.C., June 7, 2018 - Following primaries in California and New Jersey this week, the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence congratulated the nine endorsed candidates who won their elections. Come November, these gun safety candidates will face off against NRA-backed candidates who have repeatedly blocked efforts to keep their constituents safe from gun violence.
Brady-backed candidates who won their primaries or moved on to the November general election are:
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)
Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ)
Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-CA)
Rep. Alan Lowenthal (D-CA-47)
Rep. Scott Peters (D-CA-52)
Gil Cisneros (D-CA-39)
Andy Kim (D-NJ-3)
Katie Porter (D-CA-45)
Mikie Sherrill (D-NJ-11)
“When we endorsed these nominees, we were looking for leaders against gun violence who aren’t afraid to take on the NRA,” stated Brady Campaign co-president Kris Brown. “We’re thrilled that voters in California and New Jersey supported these fantastic candidates, and we look forward to continuing to support them throughout the 2018 elections.”
From now through November, Brady PAC will invest in races throughout the country targeting candidates with A or A+ ratings from the National Rifle Association. The PAC will focus on nine races in particular, including Reps. Jeff Denham (CA-10), Steve Knight (CA-25), Mimi Walters (CA-45), Dana Rohrbacher (CA-48), Mike Coffman (CO-06), Vern Buchanan (FL-16), Tom MacArthur (NJ-03), Barbara Comstock (VA-10), and John Faso (NY-19). These candidates have collectively taken hundreds of thousands of dollars from the gun lobby and repeatedly blocked common-sense gun safety legislation that would keep their constituents safe. With Brady PAC’s support, the Brady-endorsed candidates will take on these “Notorious Nine” representatives directly.
Brady Campaign chapters will engage heavily in their districts throughout the midterm elections, and Brady will also focus on voter registration through its new youth initiative, Team ENOUGH. The student-led group will be holding voter registration events throughout the summer and will work to educate and mobilize high school and university students from now until November. The group is also inviting students across the country to form their own Team ENOUGH groups and host nonpartisan candidate forums.
Further endorsements will be announced in the weeks and months to come.
The mission of the Brady organization and its Million Mom March is to create a safer America by cutting gun deaths in half by 2025. For more insight on gun violence prevention, follow us on Facebook and Twitter @BradyBuzz.
About Us: The Brady Campaign, united with the Million Mom March, is a national network of over 90 grassroots chapter affiliates mobilized to prevent gun violence at the community level. The network has played a vital role in expanding Brady background checks in the six states that have passed legislation since the shooting in Newtown, Connecticut and produced one of the largest national protests of gun violence in U.S. history - The Million Mom March, Mother's Day 2000.