BREAKING: Senator Colin Bell Proudly Announces He's Not Endorsed by the NRA
October 23, 2017, 10:10 am | in
BREAKING: Senator Colin Bell Proudly Announces He's Not Endorsed by the NRA
(Northfield, NJ) -- Senator Colin Bell (D-Atlantic) announced today that he has not been endorsed by the NRA, an achievement which he stands proudly by. Meanwhile, his opponent, Assemblyman Chris Brown proudly stands by his NRA endorsement in the race for State Senate in New Jersey's 2nd Legislative District.
"My first day in the Senate, I joined my colleagues in sponsoring a ban on bump stock devices like the ones we saw take so many lives in Las Vegas," said Senator Bell. "In contrast, Chris Brown has spent six years in the Assembly selling out Atlantic County families to the NRA."
Brown's consistent record of blocking efforts to keep guns out of the hands of the wrong people naturally earned him the endorsement of the biggest gun lobby in the country. Among others, the following Brown NO anti-gun safety votes that are lauded by the NRA include:
A3748 -- Required all gun sales to go through a background check
A3754 -- Took guns out of the hands of individuals with mental health issues who are deemed dangerous
A1387 -- Allowed municipalities to create gun free zones around places like schools
A1329 -- Banned large capacity ammunition magazines
A3510 -- Required gun permit applicants to complete a gun safety course
S2720 -- Provided basic aggregated gun violence information to the public
S2430 -- Created a Commission on Violence to study gun violence
A2006 -- Reduces maximum capacity of ammunition magazines to 10 rounds
A1329 -- Reduces maximum capacity of ammunition magazines to 10 rounds
Senator Bell added, "I respect the 2nd Amendment, but gun ownership comes with a responsibility to the community. We need to take commonsense steps to reduce gun violence in New Jersey. We need to ban bump stocks, we need universal background checks for all gun sales, and we need to lower magazine clips to 10 per round. As a Member of the Senate, I'll never sell out our families to the NRA like Chris Brown has done, and I'll always fight to keep guns out of the hands of the wrong people."