Bridgewater Launches Campaign to Encourage Residents to Participate in 2020 Census

Bridgewater Launches Campaign to Encourage Residents to Participate in 2020 Census
BRIDGEWATER, NJ – Mayor Moench and members of the Bridgewater Council will be encouraging members of the public to participate in the 2020 Census process through a public awareness campaign that will start by the Mayor proclaiming March as “Census Awareness Month.”
“We need to make sure that every Bridgewater resident is counted,” said Mayor Matthew Moench. “The Census will not only determine our Congressional and State representation, but it will have a monumental impact on the data that will determine impactful community funding for the next decade. It is incumbent on us, as government officials, as well as the community at large to encourage people to participate. You will start to see increased information on our website and the use of specific hash tags on our social media to encourage the community spread the word.”
“I have volunteered to lead Bridgewater's Census efforts and represent our community on the Somerset County Complete Count Committee,” said Councilman Michael Kirsh. “I will be working closely with the Administration and my fellow Council members to make sure that we are relaying all of the relevant information to the public. We only get one chance every decade to make sure that we are fully represented, and we need to make the most of it.”
Participating in the Census is required by law. A complete and accurate count is critical because the results of the 2020 Census will affect community funding, congressional representation, and more. The information collected by the census is confidential and protected by law.
Between March 12 and March 20, households will receive official Census Bureau mail with detailed information on how to respond to the 2020 Census. For the first time, Census responses can be provided in three ways:
· Online;
· By phone;
· By mail.
For more information and to view the proclamation, please visit