Broad Public Support as NJ Senate Votes on Food Waste Bill Today (S865)
Broad Public Support as NJ Senate Votes on Food Waste Bill Today (S865)
Trenton: In advance of today's scheduled Senate vote, a broad alliance of progressive and labor groups led by Ironbound Community Corporation, New Jersey Environmental Justice Alliance, and Clean Water Action submitted the following letter to members of the NJ Senate in support of the Food Waste Recycling Bill (S865):
To: Members of the NJ Senate
Date: Monday, February 10, 2019
Vote Yes on S865 Today Requires Large Generators of Food Waste to Recycle
The undersigned groups urge you today to vote yes on S865 (Smith/Bateman/Greenstein) which requires large generators of food waste to source separate and recycle it.
This bill will effectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution in overburdened communities by diverting waste that would otherwise be burned or buried to more sustainable mechanisms like composting. According to the U.S. EPA, anyone managing wasted food should reference the Food Recovery Hierarchy which suggests that when higher levels of the hierarchy like donating food, are not feasible, then the food waste left over should be put to beneficial use such as composted or sent to be broken down through anaerobic digestion.
A study by the Institute for Local Self Reliance determined that diverting organic waste to composting is not only more sustainable it creates more jobs in the waste sector than landfilling and incineration. On a per-ton basis, in Maryland, composting employs two times more workers than landfilling, and four times more workers than incineration. On a per-capital-investment basis, for every $10 million invested, composting facilities in Maryland support twice as many jobs as landfills and 17 more jobs than incinerators.
Last year a version of this bill included too generous exemptions for food waste going to incinerators and landfills. Governor Murphy cv’d those exemptions, the Assembly concurred with 51 yes votes in December 2019, but the Senate never had the chance to vote on that. Now you do, please vote yes!
Ironbound Community Corporation
New Jersey Environmental Justice Alliance
Action Together NJ
Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU)
Blue Wave NJ
Clean Ocean Action
Clean Water Action
Coalition Against Pilgrim Pipeline
Delaware Riverkeeper Network
Don’t Gas the Meadowlands Coalition
Environment New Jersey
Food and Water Action
Greater Newark HUD Tenants Coalition
Housing Community Development Network of NJ
Hudson County Central Labor Council
Hyatt Court Tenants Association
IFPTE Local 194
Indivisible Cranbury
Jolt USA
Lutheran Episcopal Advocacy Ministry NJ
Newark Communities for Accountable Police
Newark NAACP
NJ 7 Forward
NJ Citizen Action
NJ Sustainable Business Coalition
NJ Working Families Alliance
NY/NJ Baykeeper
POP (People’s Organization for Progress)
Raritan Headwaters
RWJBarnabas Health
Sierra Club NJ Chapter
South Jersey Women for Progressive Change
SOMA Action
South Ward Environmental Alliance (Newark)
SPARK (Newark)
Terrell Homes Tenants Association
The Watershed Institute
Unitarian Universalist FaithAction NJ
Vote Solar
Waterfront Alliance
Westfield 2020