Brown bill makes it easier for Veterans to get ID Card 

Brown bill makes it easier for Veterans to get ID Card 


TRENTON, N.J. Assemblyman Chris Brown’s legislation simplifying the process for veterans obtaining county identification cards was approved today by the Assembly Military and Veterans Affairs Committee.


“For many veterans, especially those who served in the National Guard, access to the benefits they earned is dependent on a county veteran identification card,” said Brown (R-Atlantic). “Thousands of veterans already have their cards, and by simplifying the process, we are making it a little easier for other veterans to get the help and services they need.”


Currently, veterans must provide their DD-214 form in order to obtain a county ID card.  Brown noted that while the DD-214 is the main form proving a veteran served in the military, there are other similar forms, like the WD AGO 53, WD AGO 55, WD AGO 53-55, NAVPERS 553, NAVMC 78PD and the NAVCG 553. The bill, A-1249, would permits veterans to qualify for county ID cards with approved separation forms specified by all branches of the military. Also, the bill opens the ID program to veterans who served in the National Guard in other states.


Brown is a retired Major from the US Army and a decorated combat veteran of Operation Desert Shield/Storm, during which he earned the Bronze Star. 


The bill passed with a 6-0 vote.

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