Bucco And Bergen Campaign: 'Shameless Attacks' From Bhimani And Draeger Require Apology

Incumbent Anthony Bucco wins renomination in a four-person GOP 2019 primary election in Legislative District 25.

DENVILLE, NJ – 25th District Republican Assembly candidate Brian Bergen released the following statement regarding yesterday’s classless and unnecessary attacks on Assemblyman Anthony Bucco from the Bhimani and Draeger campaign:


"Anthony Bucco is a man of character and dignity – just like his father was. To attack him with sarcastic comments and half-witted jokes in the midst of this tragic personal situation is shocking and disgusting, and Bhimani and Draeger should apologize. No one asked for this situation to happen, but there is a legal process and it is being followed," said Bergen, a local small businessowner, U.S. Military Academy grad and Iraq War combat veteran. "Unfortunately this is what we’ve come to expect from Bhimani and Draeger, who also compared Republicans to Hitler, protested a government office and blocked access for a visitor in need, and said John McCain betrayed America a week after his terminal cancer diagnosis. They continue to exhibit a complete lack of compassion and in my opinion, it makes them unfit for office.”


"They should be more focused on explaining why they are cheating property taxpayers on their million dollar homes, while sticking everyone else with the bill, than lobbing these despicable smears."

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