Bucco/Bergen Campaign - Unhinged Darcy Draeger: War Hero John McCain 'Betrayed USA'


BOONTON, N.J. – Less than one week after the late United States Senator and war hero John McCain announced he had been diagnosed with a very serious form of brain cancer that ended up taking his life, former President Obama and former Senator Hillary Clinton expressed their support and encouragement. Radical 25th district Assembly candidate Darcy Draeger obviously disagreed. Instead, she claimed that “in the end” he "betrayed the USA”. The tweet is the latest in a series of unhinged commentary by Draeger, spewed online prior to her candidacy for Assembly, some of which in recent weeks have been deleted from social media in hopes of tricking voters into believing she’s a centrist.


McCain, a Vietnam War P.O.W., refused offers to be sent home from his P.O.W. camp as a result of his father’s status in the military until his men were released as well. In doing so, he volunteered himself for years of excruciating torture that rendered him handicapped for the rest of his life. On August 25th, 2018, just under one year ago, McCain succumbed to his illness.


When the diagnosis was made, prominent Democrats like former President Barack Obama and former Senator Hillary Clinton tweeted words of support calling McCain an “American hero” and “as tough as they come”. Even Bhimani and Draeger's campaign supporter Rep. Tom Malinowski has routinely touted his support of – and from – McCain, as recently as in a tweet eight days ago.


"Speaking as a West Point graduate and Iraq War combat veteran, there is nobody who exemplifies service to country and what it means to be a hero more than Senator John McCain," said Brian Bergen. "Senator McCain did more for this great nation than Darcy Draeger could ever dream of. How dare she drag his name through the mud and say he betrayed this nation. Darcy's total lack of concern and compassion for Senator McCain's medical condition and service to our nation, as well as Lisa's acceptance of this behavior should make everyone question how they will treat New Jersey's veterans."


"I’ve spent many years working with veterans, and there is nobody we hold in higher regard than Senator John McCain. He is absolutely, without a doubt, an American hero," added former Post Commander of Randolph Memorial Post #7333 VFW, Jack Sassaman, speaking for himself. "Draeger seems to forget that it’s because of people like Senator McCain, who went through unthinkable pain, that she lives in a country where she’s allowed to say such outlandish, radical thoughts out loud. Assemblyman Bucco has always supported the veterans and continues to be a friend of our Veterans of Foreign Wars."


"During my time in the Assembly, I’ve been proud to work with veterans' groups across this district and state to ensure that our heroes are given the care and respect they deserve," said Anthony Bucco. "Draeger’s statement is just the latest example of how out of touch she is with the voters of the 25th district."


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