Bucco/Greenstein Bill Helping Non-Profits During States of Emergency Passes Senate

Bucco/Greenstein Bill Helping Non-Profits During States of Emergency Passes Senate


TRENTON – Legislation sponsored by Senator Anthony M. Bucco and Senator Linda Greenstein allowing the leaders of not-for-profit organizations to hold virtual meetings during a declared state of emergency has passed the New Jersey Senate unanimously.


“The work of non-profits that serve our most vulnerable populations is as important as ever given the many challenges and hardships that individuals and families are facing across the state,” said Bucco (R-25). “We can prevent their essential missions from grinding to a halt by giving them the tools necessary for their board members to meet remotely. Supporting the efforts of our non-profits during this period of instability will allow them to continue serving communities across New Jersey in times of great need.”


The bipartisan legislation, S-2342, permits non-profit corporations to hold meetings in part or solely through remote communication during a state of emergency declared by the Governor.


“During these trying times, it is important for our nonprofit organizations to continue working to provide essential services to our communities,” said Greenstein (D-14). “Remote meetings have been an invaluable asset for many in the public and private sector, it is only right for nonprofits organizations to have the authority to utilize this benefit of technology to hold their meetings.”


A similar law was recently enacting allowing government bodies and agencies

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