Bucco Legislation Helping Low-Income Families Pay for Energy Bills Passes Committee 

Bucco Legislation Helping Low-Income Families Pay for Energy Bills Passes Committee

Would Allow New Jerseyans to Donate to NJ SHARES Through Tax Returns

Senator Anthony Bucco’s legislation helping families who have fallen on hard times to pay for their energy bills has passed the Senate Economic Growth Committee. The measure allows New Jersey taxpayers to make a donation to those facing financial hardship, assisting them in paying their gas and/or electric bills.

“This year’s brutal winter highlights the importance of helping families to keep their heat on,” said Senator Bucco (R-Morris and Somerset). “A basic necessity is being able to keep warm on frigid nights, especially for children and seniors who are most vulnerable. My legislation gives New Jerseyans the opportunity to donate to households in need, helping families to stay warm and safe in their homes.”

Bucco’s legislation, S-77, establishes the NJ SHARES Fund. NJ SHARES is a 501(c)3 non-profit providing assistance to individuals and families living in New Jersey who are in need of temporary help paying their energy bills.

To qualify for assistance from NJ SHARES, an individual or family must be facing a financial crisis and not be eligible for welfare or other income-based energy assistance programs. Recipients must also have a history of good-faith payments of their utility bills.

New Jersey taxpayers will have the option to indicate on their state gross income tax return that a portion of their tax refund or an enclosed contribution will be deposited in the NJ SHARES Fund.

“Hitting an unexpected financial rough patch can be difficult for families to navigate,” added Sen. Bucco. “NJ SHARES has been a safety net for families weathering such unexpected economic storms for over 20 years. Given the cold spell our state has faced this winter, let’s make sure New Jersey families have a warm place to call home.”

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