Bucco: Murphy’s Vaccine Mandate Delay Doesn’t Go Far Enough for Health Care Workers

Bucco: Murphy’s Vaccine Mandate Delay Doesn’t Go Far Enough for Health Care Workers

Senator Anthony M. Bucco said Governor Murphy didn’t go far enough when he extended the deadline for workers at health care facilities to be current with COVID shots and the booster.

“Murphy’s rigid vaccine mandate had the potential to cripple health care and jeopardize lives at some hospitals and long-term care facilities,” said Bucco (R-25). “We dodged a bullet today. Rolling the deadline back a few weeks will at least give nursing home operators, elderly residents, and their loved ones the chance to let out a collective sigh of relief.

“The Governor’s executive order will delay any staffing crises the vaccine mandate could trigger, but now the deadline is April 11. In true Trenton fashion, Murphy is kicking the can down the road,” Bucco continued. “Better yet, he should kick it off the field completely. There is no need for vaccine mandates.”

Bucco has repeatedly expressed concerns that the mandates will force workers to give up their jobs, exacerbating a staffing shortage that has already impacted some facilities.

“The loss of trained, experienced health care workers in this environment is a recipe for disaster,” Bucco said. “Everybody loses when doctors, nurses and other professionals are forced to walk away from their jobs.  This is exactly what I predicted would happen six weeks ago and the as what has become common practice, the Governor waited till the final hour to respond.  It is time to stop with the mandates.”

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