Bucco: New Jersey Can’t Afford the Same Murphy Tax-Borrow-and-Spend Policies

Bucco: New Jersey Can’t Afford the Same Murphy Tax-Borrow-and-Spend Policies

Senator Anthony M. Bucco released the following statement in response to the revised Fiscal Year 2021 budget proposed today by Governor Murphy:

“The governor has called for higher income taxes, higher business taxes and billions in borrowing, while making no serious spending cuts. That’s unacceptable. Everyone recognizes that the pandemic has created fiscal challenges and unprecedented uncertainties, but the Governor continues to single-handedly dig us into a deeper hole that is leading to a greater generational fiscal mess.

“New Jersey cannot and should not be raising taxes with the fourth highest unemployment rate in America and one of the largest debt burdens of any state. This is why it’s so critical to have a check-and-balance on Democrat tax-and-spend policies that year after year make it increasingly difficult to afford to live here.

“This is made even worse for the businesses lucky enough to survive the pandemic, who are punished by this Governor with even higher taxes. Record taxing, spending and borrowing will not make New Jersey stronger or fairer, it will only lead to a more expensive state and a continued exodus of families, friends and neighbors.”

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