Bucco Statement on Gov’s CV of ‘Securing Our Children’s Future Bond Act’ 

Bucco Statement on Gov’s CV of ‘Securing Our Children’s Future Bond Act’

Senator Anthony Bucco (R-25) issued the following statement on today’s State Senate vote to concur with Governor Murphy’s conditional veto of S-2293, the “Securing Our Children’s Future Bond Act.”

Sen. Anthony Bucco issued the following statement on today’s State Senate vote to concur with Gov. Murphy’s conditional veto of S-2293, the Securing Our Children’s Future Bond Act. (Flickr)

Bucco, a co-sponsor of S-2293, was instrumental in efforts to ensure funding for school security was included in the legislation. Governor Murphy’s CV significantly cut the amount of funding for school security in the version that was originally passed in July by the Legislature.

“Governor Murphy’s massive cut to the school security funding in the original version of our bipartisan legislation is a total lapse in judgment,” Senator Bucco said. “If the Governor is so concerned about keeping our schools safe from gun violence, then I question why he would mandate such a drastic cut in school security.

“A voter-approved bond act directly aids all New Jersey school administrations who are currently in the process of designing safe schools and security operations. The Governor’s decision to cut the funding we originally proposed could jeopardize all current and future school security and Vo-Tech projects. We must ensure every student has the opportunity to grow and succeed in a safe environment.”

The bipartisan legislation, S-2293, originally authorized $1 billion in general obligation bonds, which require voter-approval, to provide grants for Vo-Tech expansion, school security projects, and school district water infrastructure. The law authorizes a public referendum in the upcoming November election.

Governor Murphy’s CV changed the legislation in the following way:

  • Combines and reduces the Vo-Tech school expansion and school security portion, from $800 million to $350 million

“We wanted to give voters the ability to decide whether or not they want to spend public dollars on school security and vo-tech programs. The drastic cuts to the funding proposals in our original bill have compromised their ability to do that. While I am glad to see some funding get through, the reality is that it is not enough to support our vo-techs, or create safer classrooms Statewide.

“We must guarantee that all New Jersey schools are safe and welcoming places, where students can reach their dreams, and where teachers can inspire them without fear. Governor Murphy’s failure to fully-fund school security places students, teachers, and our local communities in harm’s way.  I am disappointed to see Governor Murphy pass the buck on this one.”

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