Burlington County Election Board Seeking Poll Workers for 2024 General Election

Burlington County Election Board Seeking Poll Workers for 2024 General Election


The Burlington County Board of Elections is putting out the call for civic-minded residents to be poll workers during the upcoming General Election.

By law, poll workers who are 18 or older must be registered to vote in Burlington County. They also should be available to work Election Day on Nov 5. No experience is needed, but mandatory in-person training is required.

Poll worker duties include unlocking voting machines and equipment, putting out supplies, setting up electronic pollbooks, voter sign-in and processing, assisting voters, closing polls and picking up and returning supplies.

Poll workers will be paid $300 for working Election Day.

“Our democracy depends on free and fair elections. To do that, we need dedicated, community-minded residents who are willing to serve,” said Burlington County Commissioner Deputy Director Dan O’Connell, the liaison to Elections. “Both Democrats and Republicans are needed to work at the polls. It’s an opportunity to serve your community and to help make sure our democracy works.

Burlington County Election Board Chair Joseph Dugan said poll workers are essential for every election, but that recruiting is particularly important this fall with high turnout expected because of the presidential race. Burlington County will also be using new voting machines during the General Election, so poll workers will be important to assist voters who are unfamiliar with the equipment.

“Poll workers are critical to making our democratic election work. It’s an opportunity for residents to help their friends and neighbors exercise their fundamental right,” Dugan said. “No matter your background or politics, you can help serve your community and our country in a very profound and inspiring way.”

In addition to be registered to vote in Burlington County, perspective poll workers should be able to read and write legibly and be available to work from approximately 5:15 AM to 8:30 PM on Election Day.

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