Burlington County Health Department Reminds Residents to Ramp up Mosquito Bite Prevention Efforts during Rainy Weather Season

Burlington County Health Department Reminds Residents to Ramp up Mosquito Bite Prevention Efforts during Rainy Weather Season


Burlington County has experienced more rain than usual this summer. The rain and standing water has resulted in an increase in mosquito populations and could lead to more mosquito-borne illnesses. Testing in Burlington County has revealed the presence of Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus, West Nile Virus and Jamestown Canyon Virus in mosquitoes. At this time, there are no known cases of mosquito-borne illnesses in Burlington County residents.

“Mosquito-borne illnesses, such as West Nile Virus Disease and Eastern Equine Encephalitis, can affect everyone but are of particular concern for the young, elderly and pregnant women,” said Burlington County Health Department Director Dr. Herb Conaway. “Preventing mosquito bites is key to reducing your risk.”

Mosquitoes prefer to lay eggs in water that collects or is stored in manmade containers. One of the things that residents can do to reduce the number of mosquitoes outside the home is to frequently (once per week) empty free-standing water from flower pots, pool covers, pet dishes, bird baths, etc.

“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends preventing mosquitoes from laying eggs in or near water by promptly scrubbing, turning over, covering, or throwing out any items that hold water,” stated Tom Verna, Mosquito Control.

The Burlington County Health Department and Burlington County Mosquito Control are urging residents to be more diligent in preventing mosquito bites by using the 4 D’s technique:

  • DRAIN standing water routinely.
  • Use an insect repellant with DEET.
  • Be especially careful at DUSK & DAWN.
  • DRESS in long sleeves and pants where mosquitoes are active.

For more information about mosquito bite prevention, go to the New Jersey Department of Health’s “Fight the Bite, NJ!” webpage athttps://nj.gov/health/cd/topics/vectorborne.shtml.

To file a mosquito control complaint, please complete a complaint form at https://burlingtoncountynj.formstack.com/forms/mosquito_control_complaint_form_1.


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