Burlington County Health Department Reports Community Exposure by Confirmed COVID-19 Patients

Burlington County Health Department Reports Community Exposure by Confirmed COVID-19 Patients
Westampton – As part of the regular contact investigation undertaken by the Communicable Disease staff at Burlington County Health Department, it was determined that two positive COVID-19 individuals attended public events. We are making this announcement so that individuals who have visited these events can be more alert for symptoms consistent with Coronavirus disease.
March 8, 11:30 Mass – Sacred Heart Church, Mount Holly.
March 12, from 7pm to 8pm – Moorestown High School Orchestra Concert.
If you believe you were exposed and are experiencing mild symptoms and are medically stable, you can remain at home but must self-isolate until you have been fever free for 72 hours. This includes isolation from other people in your household. Isolation means physical separation from other people in your home. Do not leave your home. Make arrangements for delivery of essential services. If you are experiencing more severe symptoms or need further medical evaluation, please contact your primary care physician or emergency room. Do NOT arrive unannounced. If you are need of urgent medical care, please call 9-1-1 and let them know you were exposed to the coronavirus so that medical personnel can take the appropriate precautions.
If your household members develop symptoms please use the guide above.