Burlington County Republican Chairman Earlen Statement On Addiego Party Switch: ‘Purely Self-Preservation’

Statement from Sean Earlen, Burlington County Republican Chairman

Mount Holly, January 28, 2019 – “Dating back to 1993, Senator Dawn Marie Addiego has served in various roles as a member of the Republican Party, starting with her time on the Evesham Township Council. She has always enjoyed strong party leadership in Burlington County and an army of dedicated volunteers and loyalist who have fought to elect people who will stand up against Democratic policies that have turned this state into the most overwhelmingly taxed state in the nation. It is no secret that the climate for Republicans in New Jersey and locally is as rough as it’s ever been, so it should be no secret as to why she decided to switch parties.

We are very disappointed that someone we looked up to as a leader decided to jump ship at the first sign of trouble. Let me be clear, this move has nothing to do with values. It is purely self-preservation.
We can only imagine what Phil Murphy and the Trenton Democrats offered her to make this switch. This is one more vote for the Democrat monopoly that has shown no remorse in taxing its citizens time and time again and pushing a broken agenda to drive out the middle class.”

-Chairman Sean Earlen

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