Burzichelli on Aid-in-Dying Appeals Court Order

Burzichelli on Aid-in-Dying Appeals Court Order

Appellate Court Overturned Restraining Order Preventing “Aid-In-Dying” Law

from Taking Effect


(TRENTON) – Responding to the appeals court decision to overturn the temporary order halting New Jersey’s “Medical Aid-in-Dying for the Terminally Ill” law, Assemblyman John Burzichelli (D-Gloucester, Cumberland, Salem) issued the following statement:

“I applaud the Appellate Court for acting quickly to help those who are suffering and allow relief for those seeking it. The Appellate Court decision upholds the thorough work of the legislature in crafting this law.

“I also thank the State Attorney General’s Office for its swift and continued advocacy.

“Let’s be clear; physician participation is voluntary. It is my belief, under the law, it is the absolute right of a qualified terminally-ill patient to seek relief and to have their medical records transferred for any reason and under any circumstance.

“Ultimately, New Jersey remains steadfast in its commitment to treating citizens with dignity and respect. I take heart that people deeply affected by the slowed enactment of this law have their right to relief reinstated.”

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