Burzichelli: Historic Vehicle Collectors Should Be Able to Take the Occasional “Joy” Ride

Burzichelli: Historic Vehicle Collectors Should Be Able to Take the Occasional “Joy” Ride

Bill Allowing Owners to Take their Car for a Spin Once a Week Passes Assembly


(TRENTON) – Easing restrictions on historic vehicles, legislation sponsored by Assemblyman John Burzichelli to allow owners to take one pleasure ride a week was approved by the full Assembly, 77-0 Thursday.

The bill (A-3123) permits occasional driving, which means driving a historic motor vehicle not more than one day per week for other than exhibition and educational purposes. New York, Maryland and Pennsylvania currently include this provision in their statutes.

Assemblyman Burzichelli (D- Salem, Gloucester, Cumberland) is a collector of historic vintage fire engines.

“I can appreciate the time, money and dedication historic car owners devote to their vehicles,” said Burzichelli. “This bill, in no way, means that I will take one of my fire trucks out for a spin to the ice cream shop. It simply says to historic vehicle owners: enjoy your investment by having the freedom to drive without restriction.”

A historic motor vehicle, under current law, is an automobile which is at least 25 years old; owned as a collector’s item, and used for occasional travel, exhibition and educational purposes by the owner; and is unaltered from the manufacturer’s original design, except in the case of an authorized emergency vehicle. The vehicles are also not to be driven more than 3,000 miles per year.

“Maintaining and preserving antique automobiles is hard work, let’s be clear. An occasional drive in the vehicle is an opportunity to simply appreciate the efforts you’ve put in over the years,” Burzichelli said.

The bill will now go to the Senate for further consideration.

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