In A Call For More Service-Driven Leaders: Mikie Sherrill Receives Major Endorsement From Congressman Seth Moulton

In A Call For More Service-Driven Leaders: Mikie Sherrill Receives Major Endorsement From Congressman Seth Moulton

Today, Democratic rising star and fellow veteran Congressman Seth Moulton (D-MA) released his endorsements for 2018 class of Democratic candidates. Included in his endorsement is Mikie Sherrill, a former Naval Helicopter pilot and Federal Prosecutor who is running against Congressman Rodney Frelinghuysen in New Jersey’s 11th Congressional District.

In his endorsement, Moulton said of Sherrill, “I proudly endorse Mikie because we need more service-driven leaders who are prepared to put country over party and people over politics. The American people deserve leaders who are ready, willing, and able to work together to deliver real results.”

Mikie Sherrill is notably the only female veteran named to this list. And in seven short weeks is garnering support from national groups including a recent endorsement by VoteVets - America’s largest progressive Veterans organization - as well as New Politics, a group dedicated to electing service-oriented candidates.

In response to the endorsement, Sherrill said, “I am incredibly grateful for the support of Congressman Moulton. We share the same values. We need leaders who are going to work to fix what is broken in Washington.  And at a time when veteran members of Congress are at a historic low, electing new leaders who are going to put their country first is more important than ever.”

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