Camden County Board of Social Services to reduce operations

Camden County Board of Social Services to reduce operations

Clients are being urged to use phone and computers to file

(Pennsauken, NJ) – Effective at close of business today, March 16, the Camden County Board of Social Services will make incremental staffing changes in Camden to mitigate the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). Moving forward, clients can apply for all programs offered at the Board by visiting and through the phone. Nevertheless, there will be staffing at the building to continue to handle cases.

“In an effort to protect our employees and the patrons of the Board who frequently visit us in person, we will be reducing staffing at the facility and trying to transition as much of our operation as possible to online and telephone-based assistance for the coming weeks,” said Freeholder Carmen Rodriguez, liaison to Camden County Board of Social Services. “We understand and apologize for any delay in services and the inconvenience that this may create, however our focus remains on securing the safety and wellbeing of our employees and our patrons.”

Moving forward, anyone who is not feeling well should not come into the building and transition to our digital or telephone components. New state regulations will go into effect and they are listed below:

Effective Monday, March 16:

  • All face-to-face requirements are being waived. Interviews can now be completed over the phone.  Staff will be reaching out to anyone already scheduled for a face-to-face to switch them to a phone interview or to reschedule.  All new interviews will be scheduled for telephone calls.
  • Clients are directed to apply for all programs via
  • Paperwork can still be dropped off at the Board of Social Services in Camden via the mailbox adjacent to the entrance. Paperwork does not have to be handed to a staff member.
  • All work activity requirements for TANF/GA/SNAP are being waived. Clients can reach out to their case managers if their current site is closing due to coronavirus concerns.
  • TANF and GA recipients that are due for recertification in March and April are receiving a 60-day extension.

For more information regarding preparations and response related to coronavirus throughout Camden County, please visit Residents should frequently check the county webpage and social media for up-to-date information.


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