Camden County Freeholder Cappelli Statement in regard to the potential drive-thru testing site at CCC

The statement below is by Freeholder Director Louis Cappelli Jr. in regard to the potential drive-thru coronavirus testing site at Camden County College.
“The Freeholder Board and the Camden County Health Department are determined to establish a drive-thru testing site at Camden County College, unfortunately, the national shortage of coronavirus test kits and personal protective equipment (PPE) are inhibiting our ability to get the site operational. At both the federal and state level, test kits are being primarily sent to high priority areas that have already seen a large number of cases. While we are working to secure test kits on our own, the demand is simply far greater than the current available supply.
Rest assured that we are continuing to try and procure these resources and we have already established the facility itself on the campus. The final piece of the puzzle is securing the test kits and more PPE, as soon as we do, we will open the drive-thru test site for the benefit of the public.”