Camden County Rental assistance program expands income limits for residents


Camden County Rental assistance program expands income limits for residents


(Camden, NJ) – The Freeholder Board is expanding the income limits of the Camden County Rental Assistance Program in order to provide more residents the ability to apply. The program was created to support renters at risk of losing their homes or facing an eviction threat due to lost employment or income caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Camden County Rental Assistance Program makes available up to six months of back rent (April 2020 through September 2020) for a maximum of $4,000. While tenants will apply to take part in the program, payments will be made directly to landlords.

“These funds need to get in the hands of residents who are hurting and we believe that expanding the income eligibility will be the most effective way to achieve that objective,” said Freeholder Director Louis Cappelli, Jr. “Currently, there is a state and federal moratorium on evictions, but when they expire landlords will still be demanding past payments. We do not want to see a housing crisis come to fruition on the day these emergency policies expire.”

In order to qualify for Rental Assistance Program, tenants must meet the following eligibility and rules:

  • Tenants cannot earn more than 80% of Average Area Median Income (AMI);
  • Applicants will be required to provide proof of loss/reduction in employment or income;
  • No duplication of funds will be permitted – apartments/landlords which are funded under the State’s tenant assistance program or Section 8 are not eligible;
  • Landlords must agree to waive late fees and penalties accrued from April 2020 to September 2020; and
  • Lease must have begun prior to 3/1/2020.

More information regarding the Rental Assistance Program, how to apply, and the additional eligibility requirements is available by visiting

Income limits expanded:

  • 1-person, $54,150
  • 2-person, $61,850
  • 3-person, $69,600
  • 4-person, $77,300
  • 5-person, $83,500
  • 6-person, $89,700

“So far we’ve been able to help hundreds of residents and families with assistance disbursing more than $850,000 for rent payments,” Cappelli said. “We know there are more people in need of this money, and we need to get the word out to them that it’s available and can be easily accessed.”

Applications for the program will be awarded on a first come, first served basis, and will be accepted until all available funds have been awarded. To apply, visit: For any questions about the program call (833) 487-0462.

The Camden County Rental Assistance Program is another initiative to offset some the cratering losses that residents and small business owners have seen since the start of the pandemic. In July, the Freeholder Board provided $25 million in funding to small businesses and nonprofits with grants up to $10,000.

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