Camden County: Unemployment guidance for workers affected by COVID-19

Unemployment guidance for workers affected by COVID-19

(Camden, NJ) – The New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development’s Division of Unemployment Insurance has issued new guidance for filers affected by the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, including a new schedule for when individuals should claim their weekly benefit.

The Division has recently posted a step-by-step guide for residents to follow to ensure that their weekly unemployment benefits can be delivered without delay during this time of high claim volume. Residents planning to apply for unemployment benefits should review this guide before beginning their application. You can find the full guide by visiting or following the link provided here:

“The state has done an excellent job at compiling a step-by-step resource for folks who are unfamiliar with the application or who are unsure of how to answer because their loss of work is expected to be temporary,” said Freeholder Director Louis Cappelli, Jr. “If you are applying for unemployment due to the coronavirus outbreak, please take the time to read through these materials carefully. This will help to ensure that you receive your benefits without delay.”

Residents who are filing a new clam or reopening an existing claim can do so online at any time. Due to high claim volume, the Division has implemented a schedule for benefit claims to ensure the stability of its online application:

If the last 4 digits of your Social Security Number (SSN) are between:


0000 and 2500 please access the application between 8am and 10am
2501 and 5000 please access the application between 10am and 12pm
5001 and 7500 please access the application between 12pm and 2pm
7501 and 9999 please access the application between 2pm and 4pm


Regardless of the time you claim your benefit, your payment will be processed overnight.


If you miss your designated window, you may certify from 4pm to 7pm.

The State of New Jersey has also recently developed a centralized resource for workers to find opportunities with employers serving on the front lines of the coronavirus outbreak. Thousands of jobs are currently available and can be found by visiting


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