Camden Residents Joined by Elected Officials Call for Expansion of Access to Driver’s Licenses

Camden Residents Joined by Elected Officials Call for Expansion of Access to Driver’s Licenses


Community leaders, residents joined by Senator Nilsa Cruz-Perez, Assemblywoman Patricia Egan Jones and other elected officials to rally for the expansion of access to driver’s licenses to more qualified New Jersey residents


Media Advisory for Thursday, April 5th, 2018, 6PM SHARP

Cathedral of Immaculate Conception,  642 Market St. Camden, NJ 08102


CAMDEN, NJ--April 5th--More than one hundred Residents, community and faith leaders will be joined by Senator Nilsa Cruz-Perez , Assemblywoman Patricia Egan Jones and other elected officials to rally for the expansion of driver’s licenses to more New Jersey residents. The Let’s Drive NJ campaign is rallying across the state for the expansion of access to driver’s licenses to more New Jersey residents through the passage of the New Jersey Safe and Responsible Driver Act (A1738). This legislation will create a new state-purpose only driver’s license for qualified drivers.


12 states and the District of Columbia currently have expanded drivers license laws.



Senator Nilsa Cruz Perez

Assemblywoman Patricia Egan  Jones

Faith in New Jersey

Let’s Drive NJ

New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice

Make the Road NJ

Wind of the Spirit

Latino Action Network


Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers

Multi-faith Action for Social Justice

Hispanic Family Center

NJ Alliance for Immigrant Justice

CATA in Cumberland county (Meghan)

Rabbi Larry Sernovitz

Afia Yunus

Rev. Heyward Wiggins


WHAT:  Let’s Drive NJ Campaign rally for the expansion of access to driver’s licenses


WHERE:  Cathedral of Immaculate Conception,  642 Market St. Camden, NJ 08102



Thursday, April 5th 2018

6pm Program start




Senator Nilsa Cruz Perez


Assemblywoman Jones


Rabbi Larry Sernovitz

Afia Yunus

Rev. Heyward Wiggins


Impacted Community Member


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