WOODBRIDGE, NJ, AUGUST 4, 2019- Anthony “Tony” Gallo the Republican contender against Democrat Mildred “Millie” Scott has a plan in place to manage the already crumbling Middlesex County Sheriffs department. Anthony Gallo has made a promise to make his county front & center specifically to assist the residents essential needs.
Gallo is working assiduously with his team in creating real solutions to make Middlesex County the pride of New Jersey. The primary focus is to make Middlesex County align with the Constitution to including making Middlesex County a Non Sanctuary County. Mrs. Scott has allowed 92 illegal criminals back into society. Including one whom went on to kill 3 people in another state. Gallo will implement the NO CATCH and RELEASE! The focus is to work with ICE and Federal entities by not allowing another arrested illegal immigrant to potentially hurt or kill a citizen. “Not on my watch, I will be a Constitutional Sheriff, for the people not the politicians,” stated Tony Gallo.
The county roads are in disarray but Gallo has a resolution in place to ease the discomfort many local law enforcement officers are facing, More Sheriff patrols on these County roads. In current times, county roads are not being patrolled by the Sheriffs Officers. Gallo plans to introduce a drug interdiction team, to help combat the opioid and drug crisis in our communities, which is destroying the residents livelihood. Sheriffs Officers will assist local law enforcement and community leaders by patrolling the roads. “This is not a want, it is a necessity our residents safety and security is a must,” stated Tony Gallo.
There are residents facing harsh realities of not having enough assistance with special needs children or those affected with Alzheimer’s. Gallo will be looking to expand an existing program already in place in Monmouth County through Grants, to ease the discomfort those with special Children and people with Alzheimer’s are facing, this program has been very successful using a bracelet type device, when someone is lost and doesn’t ask for help the device can be activated and usually located within 30 minutes, Saving lives. If another county can assist it special needs community, then so should Middlesex County. The current Sheriff Scott, has signed over $5 million taxpayer dollars to pay off lawsuits ranging from sexual harassment to discrimination all from her own sheriff officers in which some of them have been specifically targeted. Gallo plans to lead the department from the ground level and up! The primary focus is to have an open door policy, this includes having officers attend weekly, monthly and quarterly meetings to discuss daily standard operational procedures and or additional ideas to implement in the Sheriffs Department. “There is no I in TEAMWORK,” stated Tony Gallo. Middlesex County is home to 25 municipalities, which are governed by a diverse group of leadership. Gallo plans to visit each municipality within the first 6 months in office, the goal is to discuss the necessary assistance such as crime, County patrols and Drug issues, the Sheriffs Department can assist them with.
The current Sheriff Scott has allowed illegal immigrants to continuously impede the pockets of all legal residents. Gallo will implement seminars through legal aide and a new non-profit to assist illegals in understanding the importance of obtaining Citizenship, and paying into the United States of Americas tax pool.
Social media: @Gallo4Sheriff