Cardinale Demands Congress Fund Positive Train Control Systems 

Cardinale Demands Congress Fund Positive Train Control Systems

Resolution Passes Senate in Wake of Fed’s Decision to Exclude NJ Transit from Federal Railroad Grants

The New Jersey State Senate has passed a resolution sponsored by Senator Gerry Cardinale (R-Bergen, Passaic) urging the federal government to immediately address funding for Positive Train Control (PTC) technology on New Jersey railways.

The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) on Thursday, Aug. 23, 2018 announced that they will provide $200 million in grants to fund Positive Train Control at 28 different rail lines around the country.

Shockingly, NJ Transit will not receive a portion of this newly-announced funding.

“The federal government’s refusal to support our efforts to implement Positive Train Control is putting hundreds of thousands of commuters in harm’s way. It’s outrageous,” Cardinale said. “Now more than ever, State leaders must fight for our fair share of federal funding. The Feds must be held accountable for doing their part to make sure every customer who rides public transit is safe.”

Cardinale’s legislation, SJR-12, urges the federal government to take swift measures to assist with the implementation of positive train control technology on New Jersey railways.

Positive Train Control (PTC) is a safety system that is designed to automatically stop a train, and even slow the train without input from an engineer on board.

A 2008 Federal law required NJ Transit to install PTC by the end of 2015. That deadline was extended an additional three years to Monday, Dec. 31, 2018.

NJ Transit Executive Director Kevin Corbett has explained that approximately 60 percent of the safety system has been completed, according to the Associate Press.

“If NJ Transit misses the federal PTC deadline, our railroads could face a complete shutdown. We cannot allow this to happen,” Cardinale added. “The Northeast Corridor is a global economic hub that transports millions of Americans each day. The Hudson Tunnel alone transports 200,000 commuters daily in and out of New Jersey.

“A disruption in New Jersey’s rail service would be a nationwide economic catastrophe – it could cost Americans millions per day. This public transit crisis does not lie solely on New Jersey. Congress must pay its fair share.”


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